About our team
A passionate squad focused on making the latest advances in language technology easy for educators to use in their classrooms. Online or in person, we strive to make Speakable a fun, fulfilling place to work.
About us
We’re a global team that loves to create awesome tools for educators.
Andrew Platt
Cofounder & CTO
Former ESL, Physics, and CS teacher leading the development of Speakable.
Austin Meusch
Cofounder & CEO
Software executive focused on developing solutions that tackle real problems for educators.
Shoaib Ahmed
Full-Stack Developer, currently focused on improving user experience on the platform.
Daniela Serrano
Head of Design
Product designer and team lead overseeing Speakable’s design and user interface development.
Santiago Trillos
Account Manager
Pilot program manager, focusing on helping educators bring Speakable to their schools and districts.
Angelica Diaz
Jr. Graphic Designer
Designer focused on digital and print materials, including GIFs, videos, and animations.
Alejandra Restrepo Herrera
UI Designer
Experienced designer focused on the external website, including marketing pages, blog, and resources.
Sergio Cuellar
Customer Success Manager
Experienced educator and curriculum designer focused on helping educators get the most out of Speakable.
Camilo Esteban Mora Paez
Software engineer focused on building integrations to improve cross-platform connectivity.
Representing our AI features, Chatty is our mascot, known for his adaptability to educators’ needs.
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